Category Archives: Startup Philosophy

8 Major Trends Enabling Lean Startups

Consider this a draft, but I wanted to get these ideas out there, because I find myself talking to both startups and investors about them, a lot, as I go about my VentureSpur business. It won’t come as much of a surprise to my typical

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Why do we NOT focus on the competition?

I was very interested to read about this recent interview with Larry Page from Google: Highlighted especially is the fact that Google doesn’t really focus on or try to compete with anyone, for good reason. They’re trying to be a unique solution for their

VentureSpur Entrepreneurial Interview – Renzi Stone

Here’s the latest entrepreneurial interview from a VentureSpur mentor, Renzi Stone. Renzi is the CEO of Saxum Strategic Communications in Oklahoma City. Saxum is the leading integrated full-service communications firm in the region, and Renzi has interesting things to say. Mentor Renzi Stone, Chairman and

VentureSpur Entrepreneurial Interview – David Matthews

David Matthews, co-founder of VentureSpur and Managing Partner of Trailblazer Capital, has recently completed a brief interview with VentureSpur as part of their mentor interview series. Recently we interviewed David Matthews,  VentureSpur Co-Founder, Mentor and Managing Partner at Trailblazer Capital.  Read on for David’s take on mentorship and