Category Archives: How-To

8 Major Trends Enabling Lean Startups

Consider this a draft, but I wanted to get these ideas out there, because I find myself talking to both startups and investors about them, a lot, as I go about my VentureSpur business. It won’t come as much of a surprise to my typical

Personal Productivity Tips II – Update

Writing this blog can be very helpful. In writing recently about my personal productivity tips, it occurred to me that I was really using too many “to do” processes. Moving stuff from my GTD Master List to a daily list was a pain and inevitably

My Top 7 Personal Productivity Tricks

I had an opportunity this weekend to talk a little about personal productivity with some friends. As a result, I wanted to share a few of the techniques I use to keep “on task” during my day, week and month. A little background: I like