Did you know that VentureSpur makes a business library available?

Did you know that VentureSpur companies will have access to our extensive business book library? You’ll be able to check out books, take them home or read them at your desk. Share with your co-founders and discuss with your mentors.

The printed word may seem slightly old fashioned, we know, but a lot of the best entrepreneurs we know, including many of our mentors, find deep inspiration reading a good book on successful businesses and business people, books on new ideas and industry changes, and even quick reads on the latest trends. Need some sales inspiration, technical guidance, or guerrilla business tactics? It’s all there!


And here’s my current personal reading list – maybe you’ll find something interesting here:

Also, one fun little hint: Running a blog on entrepreneurship and being a member of EO both get you placed automatically onto “thought leader” lists – that get you free books! Seriously, I receive one or two books a month in the mail from authors (or their publicists) that want their stuff read and evaluated by leaders in entreprneurship, technology, angel investing and venture capital.

Want access to the best books – and the best mentors to discuss them with? Apply to VentureSpur today! Here’s the application.

Need help with your business? Contact JumpPhase.com

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This blog is dedicated to providing advice, tools and encouragement from one entrepreneur to another. I want to keep this practical and accessible for the new entrepreneur while also providing enough sophistication and depth to prove useful to the successful serial entrepreneur. My target rests somewhere between the garage and the board room, where the work gets done and the hockey stick emerges.