Wrap-Up: Lunch and Learn – Go-to-Market Strategies

Thanks to everyone who came to our first Lunch and Learn with David Matthews, covering Go-to-Market Strategies for startups!

Thanks to David and to our event sponsor, Trailblazer Capital!

We had a great discussion about the control advantages of a direct sales strategy versus the scalability and cost advantages of a channel strategy.

We also had some great questions about how to identify a channel partner and how long you should test a channel before moving on to another strategy.

With 25 attending, every seat in the house was taken, and we were delighted to see that everyone was involved in a startup!

Our next event is March 28, our Find-a-Founder event. Be sure to sign up now. Whether you have a business idea or just skills and enthusiasm, this will be a great time and place to build or join a team!

Need help with your business? Contact JumpPhase.com

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This blog is dedicated to providing advice, tools and encouragement from one entrepreneur to another. I want to keep this practical and accessible for the new entrepreneur while also providing enough sophistication and depth to prove useful to the successful serial entrepreneur. My target rests somewhere between the garage and the board room, where the work gets done and the hockey stick emerges.