VentureSpur Pitch Day 2013 Featured on LaunchDFW and Xconomy Websites

Circle-Head-ShotVentureSpur’s 2013 Dallas Pitch Day was featured in an extended article written by Trey Bowles and published on the LaunchDFW and Xconomy blogs, which focus on innovative startup news. Trey is the co-founder and Managing Director of the new Dallas Entrepreneur Center, a non-profit providing co-working office space and community events for startups in Dallas.

digital_horizontalThe article focused on the rapid growth of the entrepreneurial community in North Texas and the pitches of the seven 2013 VentureSpur startups:

About twenty minutes before the event is scheduled to begin, the room fills up, the who’s who of investing in Texas enter the space anxious to find a comfy spot and check out these companies from Venture Spur. Entrepreneurial support in Dallas has been going gang busters in the last year. We went from one accelerator to four accelerators in just a few short months. Venture Spurs investment criteria looks for startups in the education technology, mobility/telecom, banking/finance/insurance related technologies.

VS_PitchDayPreview_06The article also profiled the event’s discussion panel, which featured chief technologists from four of the nation’s top tech companies:

There was an interesting and unique panel discussion in the middle of the pitch day moderated by Joel Fontenot and represented by key leaders in the networking, cloud computing, and mobility/telecom space from companies including Microsoft, SoftLayer (an IBM Company), Alcatel-Lucent, and Cisco.  A key takeaway from the panel was a question posed around What is more important today? Your device or your network? The overwhelming response… Your network.  In the future, it will matter much less whether you have an iPad, a Kindle, a Nokia phone or a Samsung. The power will be in the network you have and the connection to your content and relationships that exist.

Read the full article here in Xconomy or here on the LaunchDFW blog.ldfw_horiz_trans

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