Startup Time in America?

imageProfitBricks, a cloud computing host, has published a graphic about why it is such a great time to start a company right now in America.

Here’s the graphic and article, hosted at SmallBizTrends.

Know what? We agree!

The factors highlighted in this graphic – lower competition, lower startup costs, more access to talent, etc. – are exactly the reasons that we think this is a good time to start a new technology company in America. That’s why we got involved as a founder of VentureSpur and why we continue to invest time and effort in promising startups.

Also, we’re living in an era in which information technology is, quite simply, eating the world.

I used to be really skeptical about this.

I mean, there’s really only so many ways to make a tractor, it has to be done in a factory, and somebody has to screw it together. Duh.

But, you know what? That isn’t quite true.

In fact, the data, information technology, expertise – and especially the materials, design and massive amounts of new automation that go into manufacturing any sophisticated device these days – have turned these industries into information businesses.

Driven by rich, deep “big” data sets, by competitive expertise, and driven by technology, even heavy manufacturing is undergoing a transformation – to say nothing of light manufacturing, which 3D printing wants to make a run at.

Even truly old-school commodity sectors, like natural gas production, have been turned on their head by new technology and new information technology. Who’d have thought?!

It is a very interesting time to be in business in America!

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This blog is dedicated to providing advice, tools and encouragement from one entrepreneur to another. I want to keep this practical and accessible for the new entrepreneur while also providing enough sophistication and depth to prove useful to the successful serial entrepreneur. My target rests somewhere between the garage and the board room, where the work gets done and the hockey stick emerges.