Category Archives: Startup Philosophy

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Principle #3: Run it by the numbers.

Run it by the numbers. This is mostly advice for new entrepreneurs, but it still gets ignored sometimes even by experienced entrepreneurs. You’ll never see large-scale growth or leverage without steadfastly managing by the numbers. Run it by the numbers from the first day. Run it by

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Principle #2: Trust your instincts

Trust your instincts. If something feels out of whack, it probably is. Maybe you are inexperienced. Maybe you have people in your organization telling you that they know better, asking you to give some decision or situation more time to correct itself. You’re likely to

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Principle #1: “ITPS!”

I’m kicking off this blog with a list of my “Principles of Entrepreneurship.” This is a fluid list that will grow and evolve over time, but I can get the basics into a few posts.  “ITPS.” (“Its the people, stupid!”) You cannot build a first-rate